How to get Siren Eyes with the Alison Jade Brow Palette

How to get Siren Eyes with the Alison Jade Brow Palette

It’s almost impossible to keep up with the beauty trends of Tik Tok. The latest Tik Tok makeup trend is “Siren Eyes.” Celebrities like Bella Hadid and Alexa Demie are huge fans of this look. 

Siren eyes are the ultimate sultry eyeshadow look.  The effect is created by applying a dark shadow around the top lashline - concentrating the shadow upwards.

Here are some tips on how to create the ultimate Siren Eye Makeup Look.

Tip #1

Always start with the lighter colours before you apply the deeper ones. 

Use a fluffy brush to apply a light brown base, concentrating more of the colour on your lash line while blending upward and outward to begin the wing.

Tip #2

If you need a little help creating the winged eyeshadow effect, try using tape to offer some guidance (see video below).

Tip #3

Once you are finished with your light brown colour, grab a slightly darker eye shadow and smudge the colour along the upper lash line. The key is to blend out the eyeshadows along the lash line and wing.

Tip #4

Use an eyeliner brush to apply dark eye shadow along the inner corners of your eye. This is what contributes to the “lifted” effect, as it creates the illusion of a lower inner eye while the wing lifts the outer corner of the eye.

Tip #5

If you want to add a little more drama, use a liquid eyeliner to define the lash line and wing. You can get a similar effect by dampening your eyeliner brush and using a dark brown eyeshadow.

Make the most of your Alison Jade Brow Palette by using the powders to recreate a Siren Eye Look! The Brow Palette has a range of brown shadows and comes with an angled brush – perfect for the Siren technique!

Photo Credit @millieleer

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